About the Journal

HUMANIDADES EM REVISTA” – Journal of the Centre of Humanities and Social Sciences (CCH) of UNIRIO.

“Humanidades em Revista” is published by the Centre of Humanities and Social Sciences of UNIRIO, enabling and supporting the dissemination of  scientific and academic research developed at Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro and other academic, scientific and cultural institutions on Humanities and related fields, such as Linguistic Studies, Literature; Arts; Classics; Medieval Studies; Modern Studies; History of Science; Law; Archaeology; Memory; Psychology; Psychoanalysis; Education; Sociology and Philosophy.The Journal also welcomes articles on artistic works or artistic experiences.

Current Issue

Liliʻuokalani - Lydia Liliʻu Loloku Walania Kamakaʻeha; (1838 –1917). Monarca do Reino do Havaí.

O presente dossiê visa a contribuir para o campo historiográfico a partir de uma releitura de determinados cânones das ciências humanas, principalmente por meio do enfoque na questão da sexualidade, da raça e do gênero. Partindo de uma abordagem multidisciplinar, nossas autoras e autores desenvolveram artigos que visam repensar questões culturais, sociais, históricas e trabalhistas - dentre muitas outras - por meio de um novo olhar, pautado nos questionamentos promovidos pelas pensadoras feministas contemporâneas que estudamos ao longo da disciplina Cultura, Poder e Representações, ofertada pelo PPGH da UNIRIO para estudantes de variadas universidades e áreas do conhecimento. Ao analisarem cientificamente o passado partindo de perguntas que vão além da historiografia consolidada, nossas autoras e autores ampliaram suas visões a respeito de narrativas e personagens históricos, trazendo à luz aquelas que por muitos anos estiveram à margem desses cânones. Derivando de experiências particulares ou do desejo de saber mais sobre as excluídas da história, pudemos desenvolver pesquisas capazes de problematizar questões ligadas ao gênero, ao corpo, à sexualidade e à cor em diversas áreas de conhecimento. Entendemos este momento como uma possibilidade de repensar determinados eventos históricos por meio da valorização de movimentos e indivíduos anteriormente silenciados e segregados do processo histórico.

Organizadoras:  Daiane Alves de Brito, Jéssica Silva Pereira, Paloma Maria Mendes da Cunha

Published: 2024-03-19
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HUMANIDADES EM REVISTA” – Journal of the Centre of Humanities and Social Sciences (CCH) of UNIRIO.

Focus/Scope of the Journal:

“Humanidades em Revista” is published by the Centre of Humanities and Social Sciences of UNIRIO, enabling and supporting the dissemination of graduate and undergraduate scientific and academic activities developed at Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro and other academic, scientific and cultural institutions on Humanities and related fields, such as Linguistic Studies, Literature; Arts; Classics; Medieval Studies; Modern Studies; History of Science; Law; Archaeology; Memory; Psychology; Psychoanalysis; Education; Sociology and Philosophy.

Edited by CCH’s Direction this journal receives proposals (continuous calls) of dossiers and papers (Varia) selected from scientific and cultural events held by graduate and undergraduate students or other academic activities carried out by them. The proposals should be sent to the Editorial board following the author’s guidelines. The proposer(s) will be responsible for good practices in academic writing, and the typescripts should be sent already revised to the Editorial board. 

Humanidades em Revista also receives short notices in the section Maganize CCH on Conferences and other Academic events that will be held at the Centre of Humanities and Social Sciences of UNIRIO.

Humanidades em Revista is divided in two sections: 

Section 1: composed by the dossiers and Varia. Each issue can also include reviews of books published for a maximum of three (3) years.

Section 2: composed by the “Magazine CCH” disseminating academic, scientific and cultural events held by CCH-UNIRIO, may including its program, posters or other related materials, and a link to the video recordings.

Free Access Policy

This journal offers its content in a digital open free format which benefit from the cooperation of the Open Journal Systems (OJS), or SEER, and can be accessed through links by the CCH website and by the Biblioteca Central of UNIRIO’s repositorium.

The journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that the provision of free scientific knowledge to the public provides greater global democratisation of knowledge, always within the limits of copyright and related legislation. Creative license is adopted [Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) ", accessible at: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd / 4.0 / legalcode.pt], permitting the download and sharing of its contents for educational purposes, provided quotation of this journal and the author’s work. Any change of the contents of the papers or other materials of this journal and its use for commercial purposes are forbidden.

Process of submission 


UNIRIO’s students or staff members, as well as other universities and scientific and cultural centres should propose dossiers. Each dossier will have it’s own editorial team.

The proposals will be analysed and eventually accepted by the Editorial Board of "Humanidades em Revista". The editor of an approved dossier will be responsible for the edition, formatting and revision of its papers according to the author’s guidelines. The dossier in their final format will be re-evaluated by the Editorial Board and may be rejected if the guidelines are not followed or if there are serious changes between the previous proposal and the final product that threat the norms and scope of this journal.